Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bolinao and Alaminos Wonders Part 2

After checking out at the resort, we went to the town proper, we visited the 400 years old St. James Fortress. The church is under renovation because of the pass typhoons. The church is a real treasure but it looks disaster when we visited it. I hope they can preserve the place. It was founded by the Augustinians and the building was made from coral stones which is very abundant in the place. In front of the church, there are some selling “Binungey”, a local delicacy of Bolinao. It is rice cake cooked in a bamboo shoots and covered with banana leaves atop. I just tasted it; we don’t know that you need some sugar for flavorings. Sorry, my bad.

We headed also to one of the UP branch located in Bolinao. UP Marine Science Institute. We ask for tour and we’ve been charge P10.00 for the simple tour. It is a location for aquaculture preservation. They grow giant clams here; there are turtles, star fishes, sea urchin and many more. I totally love the little clams. After they grow enough, they will be transferred to Silaqui Island, located a top of Bolinao. A small island which is accessible through boat rentals.

It is almost 1323H and we decided to eat our lunch. Yehey! I will eat nice today. We have’nt taken some breakfast yet that day. Too bad for our health.  We had our lunch to Adora’s Restaurant. We spend almost P200.00 plus for 4 rice, 4 variants. We just have some free service water to lessen the charge. Hehe. I am hungry that time that is why we really need to eat a lot.

After eating, we visited the Bolinao Museum for artifacts and a simple tour about Bolinao history. As we being toured to the place, I saw that it really needs some development; the building is like one of the classrooms we have during my elementary days in a public school. The area is wide and must have some rest area. Too bad, it was not that to develop. By the way, they started to collect entrance fees in the place. Php 20.00 for regulars and Php 10.00 for students. I reckon that is reasonable enough.

After our tour in Bolinao, we decided to go to Alaminos. Manong Crisostomo took us to the van terminal and we end up our contract with him. We end up paying him P700.00 for the whole city tour. A little bit expensive but that’s how tourism works in the area, at least it is for the locals.